Saturday, June 20, 2009

Blatchford Essay

For the Blatchford essay (our third course essay, R. Blatchford: "Conclusion—Parting of the Ways" from God & My Neighbour) there is a slight trick to getting directly to the specific section which we will be reading -- but your generation is techno-savvy enough to figure it out in any case.

But, for the record, here is the procedure.
  1. The first time you click the hyperlink on the "Assigned Essays" post, you are taken to the Prject Gutenberg page for the e-text.
  2. Under "Formats Available for Download," find the column labeled "Format."
  3. Find the first row labeled "HTML."
  4. Click the "main site" hotlink on that row under the "Download Links" column.
  5. Now, close the bowser window completely.
  6. Open a new browser window and navigate again to the "Assigned Essays" post.
  7. This time, when you click on the hotlink to the Blatchfrd essay you will be taken directly to the "Conclusion--The Parting of the Ways". This is the only section that we will be studying in lecture this week.

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